
Tired of our terrible weather?
Trespass is fast becoming the ‘go-to” place for all your outdoor gear. You shouldn’t put family activities on hold, just because the sun won’t come out to play. Trespass can fit you out in our latest waterproof jackets, suggest a range of accessories from walking boots to rucksacks, and our knowledgeable staff can introduce you to a wealth of fashion and performance clothing suited to you and your family, whether your outdoors, hiking trails or camping at festivals or just commuting to work.
Trespass honestly believe in ‘access for all’, bringing you high performance products at great value prices for everybody.
Make sure you check back with the store regularly as we have new offers throughout the year.
Wilton is just the latest store opening for this British outdoor brand. You can find Trespass from the Highlands of Scotland to Devon in the South and of course online at